Created to Create
Nebula Dragons: 3"-5"
Space dwelling Dragons who care for the stars that decorate our night sky.
DumplinDragons: 2"-3"
Chonky little butterballs of joy and mischief. Dumplins are the toddlers of the Dragon world.
Scrap Babies: 2"-3"
Scrap Babies are born of leftover clay. They are some of my most popular Dragons and full of personality.
Snuggle Serpents
Snuggle Serpents are very special. They are newly hatched Baby Dragons. I originally created these to help my daughter deal with anxiety attacks by providing a pleasant touchstone for her to focus on. Something about the little dip between the eyes and the subtle textures help her recenter.
Snuggle Serpents won't stop an attack, but they will give a person something sweet to focus on. They come in a wide variety of colors and textures with Ivy approved "dips". They are compact and travel well in jacket pockets. Ivy's live in her purse and work vest.
S'mores Babies: 2"-3"
S'mores Babies are sweet little toasted marshmallow Dragons drizzled with chocolaty goodness.
Dragons that live on land, sea, and in the air. There are a wide variety of species including Sea Dragons, Elementals, Horned Serpents, and Winged Serpents.
Scenes can be as simple or elaborate as the heart desires.